Cortexin peptide drug is largely similar to the cerebrolysin, used also by intramuscular injection.
Pharmacological Effects: The drug improves cerebral metabolism. Cortexin represents liofilizat obtained by acetate extract from the bark of the brain of cattle or pigs, which contains low-molecular active neuropeptides, the molecular weight of not more than 10 000 dalton, sufficient to penetrate through hematoencephalic barrier.
Cortexin has a unique multi-effects on the brain, as demonstrated in metabolic regulation, neuropatronage, functional neuromodulation, neurotrophic activity. Cortexin improves the efficiency of energy metabolism of brain cells, improves the intracellular synthesis of protein, regulates the processes of oxidation of lipids in cells of the brain reduces the formation of free radicals, blocking the processes of free-radical oxidation. The product eliminates the imbalance of braking and excitatory amino acids, has a moderate GABA-ergic action.
The drug has a positive effect in violation of cognitive function, improves concentration, short-term memory, learning ability, accelerates the recovery of the functions of the brain after stress effects, regulates the levels of serotonin and dopamine. It stimulates the process of mental activity, not providing excessive activation of influence, restores bioelectric activity of the brain, stimulates the reparative processes in the brain.
Indications for use: Violations of the cerebral circulation; encephalopathy of different genesis, acute and chronic encephalitis and encephalomyelitis, epilepsy, brain trauma, viral and bacterial neuroinfection; infantile cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor and speech development in children; asthenia, memory, thinking, reducing the ability to learn.
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